I'm trying to get main index sql_query_killlist to work, but no matter what I do, deleted documents are still appear is SphinxQL results. My sphinx version is 2.0.4.
Part of the sphinx.conf file:
source torrents
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = torrents
sql_pass = torrents
sql_db = torrents
sql_port = 3306
sql_sock = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id) FROM torrents
sql_range_step = 1000
sql_query = \
SELECT torrents.id, torrents.id, text_data.torrent, language_id, category, title, words, HEX(torrents.code) as code, sum(trackers_torrents.seeds) as seeds, sum(trackers_torrents.peers) as peers, size, creation_date, rating FROM `text_data` \
LEFT JOIN `torrents` ON torrents.id = text_data.torrent \
LEFT JOIN `trackers_torrents` ON trackers_torrents.torrent = torrents.id \
WHERE text_data.torrent >= $start AND text_data.torrent <= $end \
AND `trackers_torrents`.status = 'ok' AND `torrents`.is_stopword = 0 \
GROUP BY text_data.torrent \
ORDER BY text_data.torrent ASC \
sql_attr_uint = torrent
sql_attr_uint = language_id
sql_attr_string = title
sql_field_string = words
sql_attr_string = code
sql_attr_uint = seeds
sql_attr_uint = peers
sql_attr_uint = category
sql_attr_bigint = size
sql_attr_bigint = creation_date
sql_attr_uint = rating
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
sql_query_pre = SET SESSION query_cache_type=OFF
sql_query_killlist = SELECT torrent_id FROM stopwords_torrents
This is the key line:
sql_query_killlist = SELECT torrent_id FROM stopwords_torrents
My stopwords_torrents table looks like this:
mysql> select * from stopwords_torrents;
| id | torrent_id |
| 2 | 14115 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
When you go into SphinxQL
mysql -h 0 -P 9306
And type this, I still get deleted document. Whys is this ?
mysql> select id, torrent, code from all_torrents WHERE id = 14115;
| id | weight | torrent | code | id |
| 14115 | 1 | 14115 | 4956A4E976EA948025C3C3554567CA2820F65F64 | 14115 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
A kill-list on a index, removes documents from PREVIOUS indexes. Not the current index.
Its for when querying multiple indexes. It will have no effect when searching one index.
If you want to remove the documents from the results, just modify sql_query
to directly exclude them.