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What are the steps that Prolog follows with the definition of natural numbers?

I'm learning how to program in Prolog and I found the next program that defines the natural numbers and their sum:

sum( succ( X ), Y, succ( Z )) :- sum( X, Y, Z ).
sum( 0, X, X ).
?- sum( succ( succ(0)), succ( succ( succ(0))), Answer ).
Answer = succ( succ( succ( succ( succ(0)))))

(found here)

The problem is that I'm struggling with the execution flow of this program. To tell the truth I don't know what it does. How can Prolog figure out the Answer's value? What are the steps that Prolog follows to find the Answer's value?

Thanks in advance.


  • It helps to understand how Prolog operates when figuring out an existing predicate, or when designing a new one. When you make a query such as:

    sum( succ(succ(0)), succ(succ(succ(0))), Answer ).

    Prolog will look for facts and rules matching sum(_, _, _) (sum/3) and select the first one that matches. The rules in place are:

    (1) sum( succ(X), Y, succ(Z) ) :- sum( X, Y, Z ).
    (2) sum( 0, X, X ).

    If you look at the query, it clearly matches the pattern of rule #1. Remember that in Prolog, a variable can be instantiated to any kind of term, and variables of the same name are unified (instantiated to the same value). When Prolog unifies the "head" of rule #1 with the query, it does so by unifying the variables as follows:

        X = succ(0)
        Y = succ(succ(succ(0)))
    (A) Answer = succ(Z)

    Notice that Answer has the value succ(Z) even though Z hasn't been bound (assigned a concrete value) yet. Now we follow the rule, which will query, sum(X, Y, Z), which will be the query:

    sum( succ(0), succ(succ(succ(0))), Z )
           |        |                  |
           X        Y                  Z

    Prolog will now start from the top again since this is a new query for sum/3. Just like the first time, it matches rule #1 with the following unifications:

        X = 0
        Y = succ(succ(succ(0)))
    (B) Z = succ(Z')

    I am using Z' above to distinguish it from the other variable Z in the sum(succ(0), succ(succ(succ(0))), Z), since it is a different Z than the one used in the head for sum(..., succ(Z)). This is like if you have a function in C declared as int f(x) { return 2*x; } and you call it with another local variable x from somewhere, that name x is used in two different places and represents two different variables).

    Then we can follow the next recursive query, sum(X, Y, Z') again, which becomes:

    sum( 0, succ(succ(succ(0))), Z' )
         |    |                  |
         X    Y                  Z'

    This recursive query doesn't match rule #1 since the first argument, 0, doesn't match succ(X). However, it matches rule #2:

        0 = 0
        X = succ(succ(succ(0)))
    (C) X = Z'

    Now X = succ(succ(succ(0))) so Z' = succ(succ(succ(0))). Since this rule has no more queries within it, it finally succeeds back to where it was queried from. Returning this back to (B) above:

    Z = succ(Z') = succ(succ(succ(succ(0))))

    and returning this back to (A):

    Answer = succ(Z) = succ(succ(succ(succ(succ(0)))))

    And there you have it. Using the trace facility that @CapelliC mentioned, you can watch these successive steps occur in the Prolog interpreter and follow the instantiation of variables.