I want to make a table invisible, when a specific td is not filled with text.
Here is my XML:
<th>Weitere Anmerkungen</th>
<tr><td>Gehhilfe, Rollstuhl adhudsha dfuahsf sadfasd fas f asdf asd fas f s sd fsaf as df asd f asd as ghjgfhjgfhjghjgfhjgfhjgfhjghjgfhjghjgfhj ghjf ghj ghj gh gf</td>
<xsl:template match="n1:weitereAnmerkungen">
<xsl:if test="n1:table/n1:tbody/n1:tr/n1:td">
<xsl:apply-templates />
My Problem is, that also when the td is NOT filled with text, the table is visible. But it should NOT be visible!
I hope somebody can help me!
You can check if the contents are empty as well with an extra predicate. Optionally, you might want to ignore whitespace with normalize-space
<xsl:template match="n1:weitereAnmerkungen">
<xsl:if test="n1:table/n1:tbody/n1:tr/n1:td
and n1:table/n1:tbody/n1:tr/n1:td[normalize-space(.) != '']">
<xsl:apply-templates />