After making changes in php.ini by uncommenting
My Windows-8 system got shutdown due to power failure and later i use to get this error when i try to start wamp server
Later visiting some link i added the below code to wampmanager.ini file as it was empty
Now the first error got fixed and now throwing this error mentioned below:
Later i also installed visual c++ 2008 to fix this error but unsuccessful. I have many important databases which i have not taken back up also. I am trying to repair this wamp server without re-installing. Can anybody please assist me with this.
Thanks in Advance
This document may help you How to uninstall WAMPServer without actually uninstalling it
The idea is that you uninstall your current version without actually running the unninstall and without actually deleting any files from your existing install.
You then rename the current wamp folder and then install the same version of wamp, make sure it works, and then copy all your sites and databases to the new installed wamp. If you install exactly the version of WAMP you have currently then you can copy the whole of the .../mysqlx.y.z/data folder and all you databases and users should be there on the new install.
This gets over whatever damage was done to your existing install. You may need to edit the php.ini and httpd.conf to match your existing configuration. I suggest you do not do a straight copy of either of these files as that may just get you to where you are now.