I'm using the jquery datepicker plugin to set a date field that is stored as an epoch timestamp in the db (the field, publish_time, maps directly to the table schema).
It seems that Datepicker only supports epoch in milliseconds, and not seconds. Its aggravating that it supports milli & nano seconds, but not seconds.
Are there any quick workarounds?
// Setup datepicker
dateFormat : 'mm-dd-yy',
altField : '[name=publish_time]',
altFormat : '@'
jQuery Datepicker - http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#option-defaultDate
jQuery Support Date Formats - http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker/formatDate
Edit: Below is a quick dirty solution...
dateFormat : 'mm-dd-yy',
onSelect : function(dateText, inst)
var epoch = $.datepicker.formatDate('@', $(this).datepicker('getDate')) / 1000;
Use the millisecond representation and parseInt to get an integer value. Then you can multiply with 1000 to get the seconds. This just requires a little processing instead of taking the value of the datepicker directly.