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How to get data from a GIS server in R?

I have been using ArcMap to access GIS data on a spatial data server. I want to figure out how to do the same within R.

I know how to read shapefiles into R. I have successfully used maptools and rgdal to open and map locally stored shapefiles (e.g.

My problem is when the data is not stored locally, but rather it is on an Application Server. I believe it's an Oracle database. I've been given information about the 1. Server 2. Instance (a number) 3. Database 4. User and 5. Password. Normally, I would include an example, but it's doubtful that an external user could access the servers.

For example here's how to read and plot local files in R

    ogrInfo(".", "nw-rivers")
    centroids.rg <- readOGR(".", "nw-centroids") 

The "." points to the local directory. How would I change this to access data on a server? The actual syntax of code would be helpful.


  • You can read data from Oracle Spatial DBs using GDAL/OGR:

    if you have the driver in your GDAL/OGR installation. If:


    shows the Oracle driver then you can use readOGR with all the parameters in the right place.

    At a guess, and by analogy with the PostGIS example, I'd say try:

    s = readOGR(dsn, layername)

    but I don't have an Oracle server to test it on (if I did I'd ditch it tomorrow for PostGIS, and spend the license saving on a yacht) and you don't sound certain its an Oracle server anyway. The general principle for connecting to any spatial database is the same - check you have an OGR driver, figure out what the dsn parameter looks like, try it.

    Another way is to go via ODBC, or another non-spatial R database connection. However you'll likely get back the spatial data in WKB or WKT form and have to convert to SpatialWhatevers (point, lines, polygons?).

    PostGIS example is here: