I am a new obj c programmer, and I haven't figured out what condition to switch for the following scenario:
That is to say, if user types "1", then the fee will be "$1", if user types "1" then "2", the fee will be "$12", if user types "1" "2" then "3", the fee will be "$123". The user will need to manually type in decimal if they want there to be any cents.
I am using UITextField as the input field. Part of my code:
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numberFormatter setNumberStyle: NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
cell.input = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 6, cell.frame.size.width, 80)];
cell.input.currencyNumberFormatter = numberFormatter;
Would I place the condition in the UITextField method:
Any hint you can provide would be really appreciated. Thank you!
Set the currency code. Set the min and max fractions
[numberFormatter setCurrencyCode:@"USD"];
[numberFormatter setMaximumFractionDigits:2];
[numberFormatter setMinimumFractionDigits:0];