I have read the docs and tried follwoing the excellent instructions here but I still cannot build an archive with the new profile.
I set my provisioning Profile for Ad Hoc Distribution to the new profile, then when I archive I get the following and the setting changes to None.
Provisioning profile does not match bundle identifier: The provisioning profile specified in your build settings (“MyAddHocProfile”) has an AppID of “com.bdh.*” which does not match your bundle identifier “BDH.OrthoPro”. CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.1'
How do I get my bundle identifier to match the apple ID of the profile.
My bundle ID looks like theis, which I cannot change to match the provisioning profile ID...
The onley choices I have for an app id on the profile looks like this...
Thanks for any help...
The error message and your screen shots are perfectly clear. BDH
(the start of your app's bundle id) is very different from com.bdh
(the start of the app bundle id attached to your OrthoPro profile).
Either change the bundle id in your app target's Info.plist, or register the correct app id with Apple and make a new profile.