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How does this code find the number of trailing zeros from any base number factorial?

The code below works perfectly but I would like someone to explain to me the mathematics behind it. Basically, how does it work?

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>  /* atoi */

#define min(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   const int base = 16;
   int n,i,j,p,c,noz,k;

   n = 7;  /* 7! = decimal 5040 or 0x13B0  - 1 trailing zero */  
   noz = n;
   j = base;
   /* Why do we start from 2 */
   for (i=2; i <= base; i++)
      if (j % i == 0)
         p = 0;  /* What is p? */
         while (j % i== 0)
            j /= i;
         c = 0;
         k = n;
         /* What is the maths behind this while loop? */
         while (k/i > 0)
            c += k/i;
            k /= i;
         noz = min(noz, c/p);
   printf("%d! has %d trailing zeros\n", n, noz);

   return 0;


  • Note that the problem is equivalent to finding the highest power of base which divides n!.

    If the base was prime (let's call it p), we could use a theorem from number theory to compute the highest power of p that divides n!:

    enter image description here

    Let's extract the part of your code that does this into a function:

    int maximum_power_of_p_in_fac(int p, int n) {
        int mu = 0;
        while (n/p > 0) {
            mu += n/p;
            n /= p;
        return mu;

    Now what happens if base is a prime power? Let's say we have base = pq. Then if μ is the highest power of p which divides n! and r = floor(μ/q), we have

    (p^q)^r = p^(qr) divides p^μ divides n!


    (p^q)^(r+1) = p^(q(r+1)) >= p^(μ+1) does not divide n!

    So r is the maximum power of p^q in n!. Let's write a function for that as well:

    int maximum_power_of_pq_in_fac(int p, int q, int n) {
        return maximum_power_of_p_in_fac(p, n) / q;

    So what if base is general number? Let's say

    base = p1q1 p2q2 ... pmqm

    (this is the unique prime factorization of base). Then we just solve the problem for all piqi and take the minimum of those:

    int maximum_power_of_base_in_fac(int base, int n) {
        int res = infinity;
        for every factor p^q in the prime factorization in base:
           res = min(res, maximum_power_of_pq_in_fac(p,q,n));
        return res;

    How to factorize base? Well we can just use trial division, like your example code does. We start by checking whether 2 is a prime factor. If it is, we compute maximum_power_of_pq_in_fac and divide base by 2 until it is no longer divisible by 2. Then we proceed with the next candidate factor:

    void factorize(int base) {
        for (int p = 2; p <= base; ++p) {
            if (base % p == 0) { // if base is divisible by p, p is a prime factor
                int q = 0;
                while (base % p == 0) { // compute q and get rid of all the p factors
                    base /= p;
                // do something with factor p^q
            // proceed with next candidate divisor

    By examining the code carefully, you will find that it contains all the above elements, only put together in a single loop, which is a bit confusing.

    UPDATE: In case you are interested, the algorithm you presented has complexity O(base * log n). You can easily make it O(sqrt(base) * log n) by adapting the prime factorization routine slightly:

    void factorize(int base) {
        for (int p = 2; p*p <= base; ++p) { // only check prime factors up to sqrt(base)
            // ... same as before
        if (base) {
            // there is exactly one prime factor > sqrt(base). 
            // It certainly has multiplicity 1.
            // process prime factor base^1

    And of course you can use any other more sophisticated prime factorization algorithm if you want to speed things up even more.