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Eclipse crashed and now R file not generated

My project was compiling, and I have no changes in my local repository in XML files. But Eclipse crashed at one point, when I opened it again, the R file wouldn't get generated.

I've tried

  • the obligatory clean project,

  • obligatory restart eclipse,

  • obligatory install latest updates from SDK manager and then installing new Eclipse software updates.

But the R file for this project still won't get generated.

1) There are no error in the XML files that I can see,

2) no XML file changes in my last few commits or local repository,

3) I've deleted the bin and gen folders and they get auto-regenerated just without the R file.

4) I've even reverted my entire project back a few commits to when I know the project was compiling but Eclipse simply won't generate the R file

any suggestions?


  • Are using some Menu on your applications? Something if you have any error in the file menu, your R file doesn't generated

    Yesterday i had the same issue