I have wrote a php function
, through which I want an array of all the files
and directories
in a particular directory
1) Below is my directory structure -
/pages (Full path - /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages)
2) What I want is an array
of files and directories
[files] => Array
[0] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/file1.php
[1] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/file2.php
[2] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/file3.php
[3] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder1/file4.php
[4] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder1/file5.php
[5] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder1/folder2/file6.php
[6] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder3/file7.php
[7] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder3/file8.php
[directories] => Array
[0] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder1
[1] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder1/folder2
[2] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder3
3) What I am getting (only 1 level) -
[files] => Array
[0] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/file1.php
[1] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/file2.php
[2] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/file3.php
[directories] => Array
[0] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder1
[1] => /home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages/folder3
4) My function -
function get_files_directories($directory, $a = array())
$dirs = scandir($directory, 1);
$arr = $a;
foreach($dirs as $dir)
if($dir != "." && $dir != '..')
$new_dir = $directory.'/'.$dir;
$arr['directories'][] = $new_dir;
get_files_directories($new_dir, $arr);
$arr['files'][] = $new_dir;
return $arr;
$my_dir = "/home/ubuntu/projects/xyz.com/code/ciapp/views/pages";
$files_dirs = get_files_directories($my_dir);
echo '<pre>'; print_r($files_dirs);
What am I missing here? Help will be appreciated. Thankyou :)
Switch $path
with your path, and this should work. The SPL contains all the classes required for recursive directory traversal, there is no need to roll your own.
$path = '.';
$result = array('files' => array(), 'directories' => array());
$DirectoryIterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
$IteratorIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($DirectoryIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach ($IteratorIterator as $file) {
$path = $file->getRealPath();
if ($file->isDir()) {
$result['directories'][] = $path;
} elseif ($file->isFile()) {
$result['files'][] = $path;
For more information, consult the PHP documentation: RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator & SplFileInfo are great starting points!