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ASP.NET MVC UI Template: How to mix an IList Model property with EditorFor( m => m.subModel)?

Say you have this:

public class ShoppingCart {
    public IList<CartItem> cartItems {get; set; }

And you do this to render the class:

<%= EditorFor( m => m.ShoppingCart, "ShoppingCart") %>

How would you do the EditorFor( ??, "CartItem") in the ShoppingCart.ascx? I would think it would look something like this:

<% foreach( CartItem myCartItem in m.cartItems) { 
     %><%= EditorFor( ??, "CartItem")
%><% } %>

The idea here of course is to use a UI template for an entire class, not just a property.


  • <% for (int count = 0; count < Model.cartItems.Count; count++ )
       {                                              %><%= 
          Html.EditorFor(m => m.cartItems[count])      %><%

    Creates form names like:


    Which bind back to the original List view model