when i run a python script from the commamd prompt it generates the csv file,but when i convert that script to exe ,it is not generating the csv file.can anyone tell me what is the problem?
here is the code for generating csv file:
import os
import csv
import time
import ftplib
import threading
import database.db as db
from threading import Timer
import initial.global_variables as gv
class Csv_generator():
def __init__(self):
self.__db_conn = db.db_conn()
self.__file_name = None
self.__file_path = None
self.__file_path_prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def __get_meter_data(self):
#get the kwh data from the meters from the database
localtime = time.localtime(time.time())
sys_time = "%s-%s-%s %s_00_00" %(localtime.tm_year,localtime.tm_mon,localtime.tm_mday,localtime.tm_hour)
self.__file_name = "%s_%s.csv" %(gv.org_name,sys_time)
self.__file_path = self.__file_path_prefix+ "/%s" %(self.__file_name)
self.__db_conn.cursor.execute(" SELECT m.`meter_id`FROM meter_data as m")
numrow = int(self.__db_conn.cursor.rowcount)
for x in range(0, numrow):
def __generate_file(self,file_path,time,m_id,m_name,m_location,m_kwh,m_updated):
file_exist = os.path.exists(file_path)
file_ptr = open(file_path,'ab')
writer = csv.writer(file_ptr)
if file_exist == False:
writer.writerow(( "METER_TIMESTAMP",
def start(self):
if gv.db_connected==1:
hour = int(time.strftime("%H", time.localtime()))
minute = int(time.strftime("%M", time.localtime()))
second = int(time.strftime("%S", time.localtime()))
for x in range(1,gv.upload_freq+1):
if int(hour) == 23:
hour = 0
if int(hour) < int(int(24/gv.upload_freq)*x):
hour = int((int(24/gv.upload_freq)*x) - int(hour) -1)
second = hour*3600 + (59 - minute)*60 + (60 - second)
timer_thread = Timer(second, self.start)
ps:the class global variables contains the variables which are defined for my projects and there is no problem in that
i had resolved the problem.
The error was in self.__file_path_prefix,it should be os.getcwd()
instead of os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))