How can I obtain the last character of each string of various lengths?
[1] "3575742" "35752" "3541" ....
This would allow to drop the last character but how to retain/extract the character?
strtrim(df, nchar(df)-1)
So I would get only:
[1] "2" "2" "1"
Perhaps you should look at substr
substr(x, nchar(x), nchar(x))
# [1] "2" "2" "1"
This is essentially, "Start at the last character and end at the last character".
substring(x, nchar(x))
# [1] "2" "2" "1"
There's also a great package called "stringi" that has a lot of convenient string functions. For this problem, you can use stri_sub
stri_sub(x, -1)
# [1] "2" "2" "1"