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ARC issue of UIWebview with Javascriptcore introduced in IOS7

This project is about the make a communication between javascript and native objc method.And I heard that Apple introduced the JavascriptCore in IOS7. So, here is my sample html

        function test2()

        <button type='button' onclick='TASK.test()'>Test</button>



and in my native code. i included this

@protocol TASKExports <JSExport>

on webViewDidFinishLoad I assigned the javascriptContext to my class as i implemented the JSExports.

    JSContext *ctx = [webView valueForKeyPath:@"documentView.webView.mainFrame.javaScriptContext"];
ctx[@"TASK"] = self;

run the program, everything goes fine, but when I pop this viewcontroller. found that it is not dealloc and something is retain it. I have try few ways to figure it out.

Approach 1 , remove the scrtpt tag in html. Remove this

            function test2()

Second, is command this line

ctx[@"TASK"] = self;

I pretty sure it is retained by the javascript context. But which part is wrong?? many thanks


  • finally I got it. instead of this

    ctx[@"TASK"] = self;

    I do this one by one

    ctx[@"TAST_test1"] = ^{
        Code goes here
    ctx[@"TAST_test2"] = ^{
        Code goes here