I'd like to have a link like so:
But in the subject line or in the body, I'd like it to include any of these options:
I was hoping it would be possible to somehow import the contents from another website like this or something. Is there any way to do this using a stand alone link? Ultimately, I'm hoping this link can used with a QR code.
Thanks in advance.
At a glance I think there are 2 ways to do that:
generate the link with javascript:
document.write('<a href="mailto:foo@bar.com?subject=email_' + new (Date().getTime()) + '"></a>');
or generate the link with server side scripting, for example PHP:
echo "<a href="mailto:foo@bar.com?subject=email_".round(microtime(true))."</a>"
Personally I would use javascript, I think it's more appropriate for this kind of stuff.
Even better is using a javascript bookmarklet, that way it can be used as a link:
javascript:location.href='mailto:example@example.com?SUBJECT=Data&BODY=Code:'+new Date().getTime()