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How are png map tiles and .osm xml files related?

I need to show indoor custom maps in an Android device. I have created the png tiles using MapTiler (from the building's floor plan), and using JOSM I added nodes and routes, exporting a .osm file.

I was able to show the png tiles by using Nutiteq, but I haven't figured out how to connect the osm file to that.

I am not even sure that the coordinates in the osm file relate to the coordinates in the png tiles, because I used different programs to create these.

Does the png tiles go on a layer, and the nodes from the osm file go on another?

The nodes are basically used to show the rooms' name, and for routing purposes.


  • Yes, generally you put png tiles to one layer, and data from OSM file to another one.

    Now there is question how to read OSM XML file as layer. OSM XML is meant as flexible data exchange format, not for rendering, so it is bulky and does not have indexes. You can create XML parser and read it directly, which is ok if you have small dataset, but I would:

    1. convert it to Spatialite using spatialite_osm_map tool
    2. then read via SpatiaLite DataSource (in AdvancedLayers) to a Vector Layer.