Basically I have two lists something like
L1 = [one, two, three, five, eleven, million]
L2 = [five, million]
so I want to filter the elements from the second list L2
to get
[one, two, tree, eleven]
I have use the foldl function to loop the L1 and then a foreach loop to decide the element to append comparing from the list 2 but i do not seem to get a logic right: I have something like this
56 filter_a(L1,L2) ->
57 List = foldl(fun(X,A) ->
58 L = lists:foreach(fun(E) ->
59 case E =:= X of
60 true ->
61 [];
62 _->
63 X
64 end
65 end, L2),
66 lists:append([A,[L]])
67 end, [], L1),
68 List.
How can i do this in an easy way?
You can use a list comprehension:
filter_a(L1,L2) ->
[ X || X <- L1, lists:member(X,L2) =/= true ].