I presume that the following will give me 10 volatile ints
volatile int foo[10];
However, I don't think the following will do the same thing.
volatile int* foo;
foo = malloc(sizeof(int)*10);
Please correct me if I am wrong about this and how I can have a volatile array of items using malloc.
int volatile * foo;
read from right to left "foo is a pointer to a volatile int"
so whatever int you access through foo, the int will be volatile.
int * volatile foo; // "foo is a volatile pointer to an int"
volatile int * foo; // foo is a pointer to an int, volatile
Meaning foo is volatile. The second case is really just a leftover of the general right-to-left rule. The lesson to be learned is get in the habit of using
char const * foo;
instead of the more common
const char * foo;
If you want more complicated things like "pointer to function returning pointer to int" to make any sense.
P.S., and this is a biggy (and the main reason I'm adding an answer):
I note that you included "multithreading" as a tag. Do you realize that volatile does little/nothing of good with respect to multithreading?