I have created a PHP-script to update a web server that is live inside a local directory. I'm migrating the script into Python. It works fine for the most part, but after a PUT command, the size of the file appears to change. Thus, the size of the file is different from that of the file on the server.
Once I download again the file from the FTP server, the only difference is the CR/LF mark. This annoys me because the same script is comparing the size of the files to update. Also, in case it means anything, the script works perfectly in PHP vía ftp_put.
from ftplib import FTP
ftpserver = "myserver"
ftpuser = "myuser"
ftppass = "mypwd"
locfile = "g:/test/style.css"
ftpfile = "/temp/style.css"
ftp = FTP(ftpserver, ftpuser, ftppass)
exit ("Cannot connect")
f = open (locfile, "r")
ftp.delete (ftpfile)
# ftp.sendcmd ("TYPE I")
# ftp.storlines("STOR %s" % ftpfile, f)
ftp.storbinary("STOR %s" % ftpfile, f)
ftp.dir (ftpfile)
Any suggestions?
Do you need to open the locfile in binary using rb
f = open (locfile, "rb")