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Android NDK build, Method could not be resolved

I have an Android project with native code. I'm able to build native code from command line by calling ndk-build command with no errors or warnings. But when I open it in ADT it shows the following error.

enter image description here

Error message: Method CallStaticIntMethod could not be resolved. There are many files with similar errors in the project.

I double checked configuration and here is what I have. Android build, tool chain and includes are properly configured (see pictures below)

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Required includes are also visible in the Project Explorer and they are valid (not empty and point to correct header files).

enter image description here

But when I Clean the project and Build it, the errors are still there. Any ideas on how to solve this?

Configuration: ADT 22.6.2, NDK r9d (64-bit), OSX 10.9.2


  • After some struggling with preferences, I finally found a solution. This is a bug in NDK plugin which was reported to AOSP but not yet fixed. A past of the answer is described in comment #50. Here is the sequence which worked our for me.

    1. Open Project Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Tool Chan Editor
    2. In the section Used Tools replace Android GCC Compiler with GCC C Compiler. If section is empty, just add GCC C Compiler entry in there. enter image description here
    3. Open Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols and add directories, where your h-files to be included are located. Use Move up button to add a folder with your local includes (/AudioPlayer/jni in my case) to the first place. Then add platform and toolchains includes. Built-in includes should stay at the very bottom. enter image description here In my case the full paths to the toolchain includes were like below. These are built-in paths of original Android GCC Compiler toolchain, which we have replaced at step 2.

    4. Press OK button, clean and re-build the project. All errors must go away. If they stay, try to remove them from Problems view and re-build project once again.

    Update: I have found another place, where you can add paths to include files. However it appears to be Eclipse version dependent. Project Settings -> C/C++ General -> Processor Include Paths, Macros etc. -> CDT User Settings Entries -> Add. After I added the paths listed above, there is no compilation issues anymore. Development is fun again.