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_block_type_is_valid(phead- nblockuse) when erasing data from a vector of shared_ptr

It's my first time posting so I do apologize if I've messed up in anyway or made anything more difficult than it should be.

Here's my issue:
I'm trying to erase data from a vector of boost::shared_ptr nodes, nodes being a class.
In one part of my code, erasing an element from a vector known as openList works fine.
In another part of my code, erasing an element from a vector known as movingObjectsList, doesn't want to work. It gives prompts me with _block_type_is_valid(phead- nblockuse).

I've tried clear(), popback() and erase() and all of them cause the same problem. I can add what I like to movingObjectsList without any errors and swap the data it holds with other vectors, but I'm unable to delete any of the data.

I think I've ruled out it being an issue with the node destructor because I have the same issue when I use Ints instead of nodes, and also the openList is able to erase elements.

This is how it's declared in the header.

vector<boost::shared_ptr <node>> movingObjectsList;  

This is the relevant code in the cpp

    movingObjectsList = vector<boost::shared_ptr<node>>();

void grid::createGrid(){
    boost::shared_ptr<node> movingObject = boost::shared_ptr<node> (&nodes[8][8]);

void grid::movingObjects()

This is the simplest form I've cut it down to, only concerning movingObjectsList. Without the erase function, it works fine.


  • OK, mistake in what a shared pointer does.

    A Shared pointer takes full ownership of a pointer. When that pointer goes out of scope, it'll delete that pointer.

    You are inializsing the nodes as an node [8][]. Your pointer is an address in this 2D array! When you need to call delete (which'll get called when your shared_ptr goes out of scope i.e. whenever you remove elements from the vector), you are essentially calling delete nodes[i][j], which you'd expect to barf.

    Just use references in this case (Node&), which will be perfectly valid and work just fine.