I'd like to define REST API using Spring. I have these 2 @Controller methods:
@RequestMapping(value = "/{machineId}/workspaces/{workspaceId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public void removeWorkspace(@PathVariable String machineId, @PathVariable String workspaceId {...}
@RequestMapping(value = "/{machineId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public void removeVM(@PathVariable String machineId) {...}
The problem is, that this definition causing path conflicts: if I attempt to call
curl -X DELETE http://localhost/machine-1/workspaces/workspace-1
I would expect, that the "removeWorkspace" should be called, but the problem is, that the "removeVM" is called. Does anybody get idea how to avoid such conflict? {machineId} prefix probably cause this conflict. Of course I'd like to keep those paths unchanged.
This was a bug fixed meanwhile fixed in version 4.1-RC2, see this JIRA SPR-10576 for further details.
So it seems the only way to fix it in your current version would be to change the URL paths, or to apply the patch manually.