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SQL Queries instead of Cursors

I'm creating a database for a hypothetical video rental store. All I need to do is a procedure that check the availabilty of a specific movie (obviously the movie can have several copies). So I have to check if there is a copy available for the rent, and take the number of the copy (because it'll affect other trigger later..). I already did everything with the cursors and it works very well actually, but I need (i.e. "must") to do it without using cursors but just using "pure sql" (i.e. queries).

I'll explain briefly the scheme of my DB:

The tables that this procedure is going to use are 3: 'Copia Film' (Movie Copy) , 'Include' (Includes) , 'Noleggio' (Rent).

Copia Film Table has this attributes:

  • idCopia
  • Genere (FK references to Film)
  • Titolo (FK references to Film)
  • dataUscita (FK references to Film)

Include Table:

  • idNoleggio (FK references to Noleggio. Means idRent)
  • idCopia (FK references to Copia film. Means idCopy)

Noleggio Table:

  • idNoleggio (PK)
  • dataNoleggio (dateOfRent)
  • dataRestituzione (dateReturn)
  • dateRestituito (dateReturned)
  • CF (FK to Person)
  • Prezzo (price)

Every movie can have more than one copy. Every copy can be available in two cases:

  1. The copy ID is not present in the Include Table (that means that the specific copy has ever been rented)
  2. The copy ID is present in the Include Table and the dataRestituito (dateReturned) is not null (that means that the specific copy has been rented but has already returned)

The query I've tried to do is the following and is not working at all:

 WHERE dataNoleggio IS NOT NULL AND dataRestituito IS NOT NULL AND idNoleggio IN (
   SELECT N.idNoleggio
   FROM NOLEGGIO N JOIN INCLUDE I ON N.idNoleggio=I.idNoleggio
   WHERE idCopia IN (
     SELECT idCopia
     WHERE titolo='Pulp Fiction')) -- Of course the title is just an example

Well, from the query above I can't figure if a copy of the movie selected is available or not AND I can't take the copy ID if a copy of the movie were available.

(If you want, I can paste the cursors lines that work properly)

------ USING THE 'WITH SOLUTION' ---- I modified a little bit your code to this

WITH film
  SELECT idCopia,titolo
    WHERE titolo = 'Pulp Fiction'
copy_info as
  SELECT N.idNoleggio, N.dataNoleggio, N.dataRestituito, I.idCopia
    FROM NOLEGGIO N JOIN INCLUDE I ON N.idNoleggio = I.idNoleggio
avl as
  SELECT film.titolo, copy_info.idNoleggio, copy_info.dataNoleggio,
    FROM film LEFT OUTER JOIN copy_info
    ON film.idCopia = copy_info.idCopia
SELECT COUNT(*),idCopia FROM avl
WHERE(dataRestituito IS NOT NULL OR idNoleggio IS NULL)
GROUP BY idCopia

As I said in the comment, this code works properly if I use it just in a query, but once I try to make a procedure from this, I got errors. The problem is the final SELECT:

FROM avl
WHERE (dataRestituito IS NOT NULL OR idNoleggio IS NULL)
GROUP BY idCopia

The error is: ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows ORA-06512: at "VIDEO.PR_AVAILABILITY", line 9.

So it seems the Into clause is wrong because obviously the query returns more rows. What can I do ? I need to take the Copy ID (even just the first one on the list of rows) without using cursors.


  • You can try this -

    WITH film
     SELECT idCopia, titolo
         WHERE titolo='Pulp Fiction'
    copy_info as
    select N.idNoleggio, I.dataNoleggio , I.dataRestituito , I.idCopia
       FROM NOLEGGIO N JOIN INCLUDE I ON N.idNoleggio=I.idNoleggio
    avl as
    select film.titolo, copy_info.idNoleggio, copy_info.dataNoleggio, 
    from film LEFT OUTER JOIN copy_info
    ON film.idCopia = copy_info.idCopia 
    select * from avl
    where (dataRestituito IS NOT NULL OR idNoleggio IS NULL);