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SpringData fetch wrong class by JPA inheritance using SINGLE_TABLE

I've got a strange behaviour with Spring Data JPA and JPA class hierarchy using a single table. Basically I have two entities Vertrag and VertrieblerVertrag. VertrieblerVertrag extend Vertrag. The discriminator value is 'vertragsart' and it is 'KV' for Vertrag and 'VV' for VertrieblerVertrag. Somehow I get Objects of type Vertrag where the discriminator value is set to 'VV'! VertragService.getVertrag();

what am I doing wrong?

@Table(name = "buch__vertrag")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "vertragsart", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public class Vertrag implements Serializable

     * z.B. Vyyyymmdd/kundenr
    @javax.persistence.Column(nullable = false, name = "vertragnr")
    protected String vertragNr;

    public List<Rechnung> rechnungErstellen(final Date von, final Date bis)
        . . . 


public class VertrieblerVertrag extends Vertrag

    public List<Rechnung> rechnungenAusstellen()

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


public interface VertragRepo extends YBRepository<Vertrag, String>


public interface YBRepository<T,PK extends Serializable> extends PagingAndSortingRepository<T, PK>, JpaSpecificationExecutor


and the fetch call

public class VertragService implements IVertragService

    private VertragRepo vertragRepo;

    public Vertrag getVertrag()

        final Vertrag findOne = this.vertragRepo.findOne("V20141801/10001");

        return findOne;


INSERT INTO `buch__vertrag` (`vertragnr`,vertragsart) VALUES ('V20141801/10001', 'VV');


  • I have solved it. My mistake.

    I forgot to insert the sub-class "VertrieblerVertrag" in persistence.xml