I'm getting this message:
This PHP CGI binary was compiled with force-cgi-redirect enabled. This means that a page will only be served up if the REDIRECT_STATUS CGI variable is set, e.g. via an Apache Action directive.
However, I've set cgi.force_redirect equal to 0, and have reset IIS. I've done the following as well:
Ran this for the registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
However, I keep getting that error message. I've tried everything!
I believe that you need to edit the php.ini file and set:
cgi.force_redirect = 0
EDIT BASED on comments
In the same php.ini you will find
extension_dir = "c:\php5\ext"
change the directory to where you want it to be.
The following link shows you the order in which the locations of php.ini are searched: