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Can I mirror my Chrome browser to multiple Chromecast devices

We have a dashboard system (Dashing) that we can view through a browser (Chrome). We have two TVs up displaying this dashboard now. Each TV has a $350 PC connected to it. I am wondering if we could use a Chromecast plugged into each TV and have only one PC "displaying" the dashboard. This is relevant because 1) we are looking at adding monitors after we expand our office and 2) the PCs tend to be a pain in the ..., with things like updates pushed from IT, password chances, etc. One PC would definitely be better. Bonus points if I can get rid of all the PCs and just use Chromecast pointed at a URL.



  • Currently, you can only be connected to a single device at a time, hence can only mirror to one Cast device. You mentioned you are mirroring your browser. Is the content that you are mirroring a simple page, a video, ...? You may be able to come up with a simple app that would eliminate the need for having PC's completely. Tell us more about the content you are mirroring (hopefully it is not flash :-) )