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Scrum process template changes not recognized

I'm trying to add new activities to the Activity field in the Task work item. I've downloaded the process template locally and added a few new LISTITEM elements. Here's the updated section:

      <FIELD name="Activity" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity" type="String" reportable="dimension">
          <LISTITEM value="Database" />
          <LISTITEM value="Deployment" />
          <LISTITEM value="Design" />
          <LISTITEM value="Development" />
          <LISTITEM value="Documentation" />
          <LISTITEM value="Investigation" />
          <LISTITEM value="Level of Effort" />
          <LISTITEM value="Planning" />
          <LISTITEM value="Reporting" />
          <LISTITEM value="Requirements" />
          <LISTITEM value="Research" />
          <LISTITEM value="Testing" />

I then uploaded the modified process templates back. However, in both VS2013 and Team Web Access I do not see the new values in the Activity dropdown. Is there some sort of refresh or validation process I need to follow?


  • Uploading the process template only changes the template, not the process you are using - so new projects will have this, but your existing projects need updating.

    You need to use the witadmin command line to update the work item type definition in the project you are working in.

    Something like:

    witadmin importwitd /f:Task.xml /p:MyProject /collection:http://tfs:8080/DefaultCollection

    Will update the WITD in your project.