I know the Yaml library from Pub, which can load and parse Yaml string through loadYaml() function. But I don't know, how to load content of the Yaml file as the parameter of this function.
My Code (isn't working):
name1: thing1
name2: thing2
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
String path = 'data.yaml';
return HttpRequest.getString(path)
.then((String yamlString){
YamlMap map = loadYaml(yamlString);
String name = map['name1'];
Look at the source of loadYaml
in yaml.dart
If you use eclipse or the DartEditor you can also just hover your mouse over loadYaml
to get a description.
It says there that if the function returns a map it's a YamlMap
, not a normal Dart map. It may also return something else e.g. String
, num
, List
Why don't you just do a print(map)
or print(map.runtimeType)