I want to use the file exchange about kd-tree in matlab and search in mathwork site and saw the below m-files but I cant understand how can I mex files. in comments "Kuan-Ting Yu" say: 1. use mex -setup to find your compiler. E.g. VS 2010 2. in "kdtree_common.h", replace #include "c:/.../mex.h" with "mex.h" 3. dir to ./src and mex all .cc file what is his mean? haw can I mex all .cc file? http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/4586-k-d-tree
To mex all source files, you have to call the mex function.
To call mex for all cc-files in a directory, use
for file = dir('*.cc'); mex(file.name) ; end