I have two GIS layers -- call them Soils
and Parcels
-- stored as SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
s), and I would like to "overlay" them, in the sense described here.
The result of the overlay operation should be a new SPDF in which:
The SpatialPolygons
component contains polygons formed by the intersection of the two layers. (Think all of the atomic polygons formed by overlaying two mylars on an overhead projector).
The data.frame
component records the attributes of the Soils
and Parcels
polygons within which each atomic polygon falls.
My question(s): Is there an existing R function that does this? (I would even by happy to learn of a function that just gets the SpatialPolygons
component right, calculating the atomic polygons formed from the intersection of the two layers.) I feel like rgeos should have a function that does (1) at least, but it seems not to...
Here is a figure that may help make it clearer what I'm after, followed by code that creates the Soils
and Parcels
layers shown in the figure.
## Just a utility function to construct the example layers.
flattenSpatialPolygons <- function(SP) {
nm <- deparse(substitute(SP))
AA <- unlist(lapply(SP@polygons, function(X) X@Polygons))
function(X) Polygons(AA[X], ID=paste0(nm, X))))
## Example Soils layer
Soils <-
A <- readWKT("MULTIPOLYGON(((3 .5,7 1,7 2,3 1.5,3 0.5), (3 1.5,7 2,7 3,3 2.5,3 1.5)))")
AA <- flattenSpatialPolygons(A)
data.frame(soilType = paste0("Soil_", LETTERS[seq_along(AA)]),
row.names = getSpPPolygonsIDSlots(AA)))
## Example Parcels layer
Parcels <-
B <- readWKT("MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,2 0,2 3,0 3,0 0),(2 0,4 0,4 3,2 3,2 0)),((4 0,6 0,6 3,4 3,4 0)))")
BB <- flattenSpatialPolygons(B)
data.frame(soilType = paste0("Parcel_", seq_along(BB)),
row.names = getSpPPolygonsIDSlots(BB)))
Since January of 2014, the raster package includes a union()
function that makes this easy-peasy:
Intersects <- Soils + Parcels ## Shorthand for union(Soils, Parcels)
## Check that it work
## soilType.1 soilType.2
## 1 Soil_A <NA>
## 2 Soil_B <NA>
## 3 <NA> Parcel_1
## 4 <NA> Parcel_2
## 5 <NA> Parcel_3
## 6 Soil_A Parcel_2
## 7 Soil_A Parcel_3
## 8 Soil_B Parcel_2
## 9 Soil_B Parcel_3
plot(Intersects, col = blues9)