I am trying to run my automated tests on Python, and I keep running into an import error. My Directory Hierarchy is as follows:
- bin
- README.txt
- setup.py
- TestingPractice
- __init__.py
- main.py
- tests
- __init__.py
- test_main.py
Now when I cd to the top TestingPractice, and run nosetests, I get that my method created in main.py is undeclared, even when importing TestingPractice.main
def total_hours(hours):
sum = 0
for hour in hours:
sum += hour
return sum
# Test the hour computation.
from nose.tools import *
import TestingPractice.main
def test_hours():
to_test = [8,8,7,8] # 31
assert_equal(total_hours(to_test), 31)
when running nosetests:
/Documents/Developer/Python/TestingPractice/tests/test_main.py", line 7, in test_hours
assert_equal(total_hours(to_test), 31)
NameError: global name 'total_hours' is not defined
I have tried many different paths for the import, even the relative importing (which caused the relative importing error) and also tried export PYTHONPATH=. to no avail.
I was, for some weird reason, not telling Python how to import the function. While a little, obvious fix, I missed it.
Here it is:
in the test_main.py I had to do:
from TestingPractice.main import total_hours
Then, while in the working directory of the top TestingPractice, nosetests worked as supposed to.