How to set password for user creation in chef , at run time . instead of the encrypting mechanism using openssl and setting it in user resource in chef.
instead of the following method:
openssl passwd -1 "theplaintextpassword"
then setting it in user resource
user "random" do
supports :manage_home => true
comment "Random User"
uid 1234
gid "users"
home "/home/random"
shell "/bin/bash"
password "$1$JJsvHslV$szsCjVEroftprNn4JHtDi."
Is there any alternative ..??
You could try generating the password ciphertext using Ruby in your cookbook:
require 'digest/sha2'
password = "pass@123"
salt = rand(36**8).to_s(36)
shadow_hash = password.crypt("$6$" + salt)
After running this, shadow_hash
contains the following string:
You can then use it in the user
user "random" do
supports :manage_home => true
comment "Random User"
uid 1234
gid "users"
home "/home/random"
shell "/bin/bash"
password shadow_hash