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Prolog: Recognize a^n b^(n+1) language for n >= 1

I understand that I need to figure out my own homework, but seeing that noone in the class can figure it out, I need some help.

Write a Prolog program such that p(X) is true if X is a list consisting of n a's followed by n+1 b's, for any n >= 1.


  • You should use a counter to keep track of what you have found so far. When you find an b, add one to the counter. When you find a a, subtract one. The final value of your counter after the whole list is traversed should be one, since you want the number of b's to be 1 more than the number of a's. Here's an example of how to write that in code:

    % When we see an "a" at the head of a list, we decrement the counter.
    validList([a|Tail], Counter) :-
      NewCounter is Counter - 1,
      validList(Tail, NewCounter).
    % When we see an "b" at the head of a list, we increment the counter.
    validList([b|Tail], Counter) :-
      NewCounter is Counter + 1,
      validList(Tail, NewCounter).
    % When we have been through the whole list, the counter should be 1.
    validList([], 1).
    % Shortcut for calling the function with a single parameter.
    p(X) :-
      validList(X, 0).

    Now, this will do almost what you want - it matches the rules for all n >= 0, while you want it for all n >= 1. In typical homework answer fashion, I've left that last bit for you to add yourself.