Search code examples

ROR inner join gives duplicate value

Hello I get duplicate rows of data by inner join.and i write inner join with OR condition.

Controller userscontroller.rb

@users =[:search])
@users = User.joins([:requests]).where("name LIKE ? OR destination LIKE ?","#{params[:search]}%", "#{params[:search]}%")

View searches/index.html.haml

  = form_tag(:users, method: "get") do
    = text_field_tag "search", params[:search], placeholder: "Enter Name"
    = submit_tag "Search", name: nil, class: "btn-custom-darken"
- @users.each do |user|
 = render user
= will_paginate @users

View users/index.html.haml

%div{align: "center"}
%b List of Users
- if current_user != (@user)
- @users.each do |user|
= render user

The problem is duplicate data printed as a output after search. If user posted 3 request then user will be printed as output 3 times. So image of user is printed 3 times with duplicate request data. Thanks in advance.


  • To get unique values from a join just add the .uniq function to the call. And also when reusing one single input for multiple queries you can use the ruby key:value pair syntax.

    @users = User.joins([:requests])
                 .where("name LIKE :search OR 
                         destination LIKE :search",
                         {search: params[:search]})