How can i Make android peer to peer Direct File Transfer without using the intermediate server
I Have tried the app with intermediate server but it is not working please help me.
THis one is actually quite trickey... nearly impossible in many cases.
Basically: To Allow a direct P2P connecion between two devices, one device has to initiate the connection to the other device, which can just answer.
So one device has to open up a connection to an IP-Adress and a Port where the other device is reachable. If you are connected to the same WLAN Accesspoint, you can just display your local IP-Adress on one device and open up a direct connection between the two on any port you want.
If the devices are in different Wireless Networks or one is connected via 3G you have a bunch of problems, starting with NAT. You would have to find a way for one device to read his public IP-Adress (possibly via a STUN-Server) and pass this information to the other client. Then your accesspoint would have to Support UPnP or some similar NAT-Traversal so the other client can reach you, if its not blocked by the ISP, Router or Phone...