$files = array();
function listFolderFiles($dir) {
$ffs = scandir($dir);
echo '<ol>';
foreach ($ffs as $ff) {
if ($ff != '.' && $ff != '..') {
if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $ff))
listFolderFiles($dir . '/' . $ff);
echo '<li>' . $ff;
'file' => $dir . '/' . $ff,
'hash' => hash_file('md5', $dir . '/' . $ff)
echo '</li>';
echo '</ol>';
Why am I getting empty output here?
array(0) { };
This is a scope issue. Your $files
array variable is outside of your function.
You need to pass that as a parameter as a reference (Tipped by @Barmar ;) ) to it..
function listFolderFiles($dir,&$files){
and call it like.. listFolderFiles('/var/www',$files);
You are passing it as a reference because you are not returning the array , so whatever changes done inside the function to the array will remain there itself. So you need to add reference as shown in the method signature. This will modify the original array itself.