I´m running a Raspberry Pi Model B (512MB RAM) with a 16 gB 300MB/s SD-card and recent raspbian with all updates.
On this machine I´ve set up a apache2-server, node.js with socket.io and firmata.
Within my web-application, video streaming is a key feature.
When I access my webserver just for streaming the videos (without node/socket.io/firmata), everything streams with a good performance. But when I switch on node.js/socket.io/firmata it's rather slow, it takes 5-7 seconds to start streaming the videos.
I had problems installing node.js in the first place. Node.js from source compiled/installed like a charm, but when I tried to run it, I got this mysterious "Illegal instruction" message.
As an alternative I took the precompiled debian-packages and installed them using dpkg using this repo:
They say that nodejs will run slower, but that´s not acceptable for me.
Any hints?
Thanks and regards!
Allright, it´s faster now. For everyone with this issue: