I'm trying to write out some lambda calculus, but I can't get church conditionals to work. I should probably say that I'm a Haskell noob.
I've looked at solutions online and on SO, but they all involve introducing a new type and other tricks, but I want to keep it as close to the original syntax as possible. For example:
tru :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
tru = \x -> \y -> x
fals :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
fals = \x -> \y -> y
main = do
print (tru 2 3)
print (fals 5 6)
Matches the exact syntax for church booleans:
Any way to match the exact syntax for church if/else?
I'm trying to replicate \p.\a.\b.p a b
, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong:
ifelse :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
ifelse = \p -> \a -> \b -> p -> a -> b
main = do
print (tru 2 3)
print (fals 5 6)
print (ifelse tru 42 58)
You want something like
ifelse :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
ifelse = \p -> \a -> \b -> p a b
or even
ifelse = id
Also keep in mind that your Church booleans can only be applied to integers, which can be restrictive. You can make your encodings a bit more general by giving them a polymorphic type.
-- Warning: untested
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
type Cbool = forall a. a->a->a
tru :: Cbool
tru = const
fals :: Cbool
fals = const id
ifelse :: Cbool -> a -> a -> a
ifelse = id
type Cnat = forall a. (a->a)->a->a
zero :: Cnat
zero = \s z -> z -- const id
-- etc