$remote_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$today_date = $todaydate->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$tomorrow_date = $tomorrowdate->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$conditions['conditions'] = array('ipaddress = ? AND dateattempt > ? AND dateattempt < ?', $remote_ip, $today_date, $tomorrow_date);
$attempts = self::all($conditions);
//$attempts = self :: all(array('conditions' => array('ipaddress = ?',$_SERVER["REMOVE_ADDR"])));
/* print_r($_SERVER); */
/* print_r($today_date); */
/* print_r($tomorrow_date); */
echo self::connection()->last_query;
I have the following code above. What happens is I'm trying to print out the query so I can see if I did the query correctly. The query runs correctly but the command self::connection()->last_query prints the following:
SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE ipaddress = ? AND dateattempt > ? AND dateattempt < ?
The problem is it should be filling in the ? with the conditions but its not. How do I get it to show me the results with the ?'s filled in?
is the raw SQL. PHP ActiveRecord is using PDO's prepared statement so you won't see the actual query.
What you should do is using a logger. The values will be shown there (the code).
$log = Log::singleton('file', 'my.log'); //using PEAR Log
Example from: http://www.phpactiverecord.org/boards/4/topics/1119-re-show-last-sql-query