I'm currently working on making my Swing application look better. I want to achieve something along these lines:
The idea is for each box to have a pretty header with a background similar to the above image. The closest I can get to anything like this using basic Swing components is adding a TitledBorder but this is nothing close to what I want.
I have experiment with JXTaskPane from SwingX, which is close:
And near perfect, except for the fact that it's collapsible and it doesn't appear possible to make it not collapsible.
Are there any obvious solutions I'm missing here? Otherwise I figure extending JPanel and creating a special header for it using a image for the background of the header.
Any pointers greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Since you already looking into SwingX components, why don't you use JXTitledPanel? I think it is very close to what you want to achieve. You can set your own colors there.