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Unable to add struts 2 support to netbeans 7.4

this plugin requires plugin Editor Library to be installed.

The plugin Editor Library is requested in version >= (release version 2) but only (of release version different from 2) was found.  
The following plugin is affected:       Struts2 Support


  • Now i have resolved another plugin for Struts 2 support. This plugin is called Netbeans Struts2 Plug-in and its a re-pack for the plugin i was trying to install. Though this plugin in not certified but it is working good. The developers have tested it on netbeans 7.4 but i'm using it not netbeans8 and i have not suffered any issues.

    I have found another way, that is using maven. That is also a good way but i would not recommend it if you have slow internet connection.