So I'm writing a C#.NET application that will need to be able to read historical data from Rally. Specifically I need to retrieve the total Plan Estimate for a given release for each of the first 7 days of the Release.
I've read that there are basically two ways to do this; via the revision history or via the Lookback API and using POST. I figured the LBAPI would be cleaner and more robust so I went that path. Unfortunately, I've never worked with POST before so I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing.
Here's what I've come up with so far. I feel like I'm either close and missing something blindingly obvious, or I'm totally off:
string uri = @"";
DynamicJsonObject data = new DynamicJsonObject();
data["find"] = new DynamicJsonObject();
data["find"]["_ProjectHierarchy"] = 14457702297;
data["find"]["_TypeHierarchy"] = "HierarchicalRequirement";
data["find"]["Children"] = null;
data["find"]["__At"] = "2014-02-02T00Z%22";
data["fields"] = new string[] { "PlanEstimate", "ObjectID", "Name" };
DynamicJsonObject results =, data);
When I use the compiled url in a web browser, I get the right data back:{%22_ProjectHierarchy%22:14457702297,%22_TypeHierarchy%22:%22HierarchicalRequirement%22,%22Children%22:null,%22__At%22:%222014-02-02T00Z%22}&fields=[%22ObjectID%22,%22Name%22,%22PlanEstimate%22]&start=0
When I use the C# code above and call:
DynamicJsonObject results =, data);
I get a WebException stating: "The remote server returned an error: (405) Method Not Allowed." which almost sounds like I can't even use that post method to begin with.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
In case anyone else is looking to do something similar, this was my solution following Mark's guidance (Could probably be done cleaner, but this works for me):
private static DynamicJsonObject getBaseline(string day, long projectID, long ReleaseID)
int pageSize = 200;
string uri = @"{%22_ProjectHierarchy%22:" +
projectID + @",%22_TypeHierarchy%22:%22HierarchicalRequirement%22,%22Release%22:{$in:[" + ReleaseID + @"]},%22Children%22:null,%22__At%22:%22" +
day + @"T00Z%22}&fields=[%22PlanEstimate%22,%22ScheduleState%22]&hydrate=[%22ScheduleState%22]&start=0&pagesize=" + pageSize;
DynamicJsonObject response = HttpGet(uri);
DynamicJsonObject points = new DynamicJsonObject();
foreach (var story in response["Results"])
// Do whatever
return points;
public static DynamicJsonObject HttpGet(string URI)
System.Net.WebRequest req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URI);
req.Credentials = GetCredential();
req.PreAuthenticate = true;
req.ContentType = "application/json";
System.Net.WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
DynamicJsonObject result = new DynamicJsonSerializer().Deserialize(sr.ReadToEnd());
// Not sure if all of these are necessary
sr.Close(); sr.Dispose();
sr.Close(); sr.Dispose();
return result;
private static CredentialCache GetCredential()
if (credentialCache == null)
string url = @"";
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3;
credentialCache = new CredentialCache();
String user = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["user"];
String password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"];
credentialCache.Add(new System.Uri(url), "Basic", new NetworkCredential(user, password));
return credentialCache;