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Laravel: Trying to send a mail, variable undefined

Hi Im trying to send a mail but when I try using the Mail::Send but the variables im creating to have the information to which mail it will be send wont go into the Mail::Send part. I dont know why it always tells me undifined variable, when its defined right on top. Here is the code

$result = DB::table('perfil')->where('usuario', $object['usuario'])->first();

        $info = array('confirmation_code' => $result->codigoVerificacion, 'nombre' => $result->nombre);

        $mail = $result->correoVerificado;

        $nombre = $result->nombre.' '.$result->primerPaterno.' '.$result->segundoApellido;

        Mail::send('emails.registro_nuevo_usuario', $info, function($message)

            $message->from('[email protected]', 'Jurgen Feuchter');

            $message->to($mail, $nombre)
                ->subject('¡Bienvenido a la mejor red social para pedir y dar rides!');

If you need more code ask me for it please :P

'Undefined variable: mail' in \app\controllers\registroController.php:103


  • $mail comes from outside the closure, so it's not available inside its scope (unlike $message which is passed down as argument by the send() method). You need to pass it by using the use keyword (I believe the same will happen to $nombre)

    Mail::send('emails.registro_nuevo_usuario', $info, function($message) use($mail, $nombre)
     $message->from('[email protected]', 'Jurgen Feuchter')
              ->to($mail, $nombre)
              ->subject('¡Bienvenido a la mejor red social para pedir y dar rides!');