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Suppressing asdf:load-system console output

I have created a small project using Steel Bank Common Lisp and I am using ASDF to compile and load it. The load command is:

(asdf:load-system :<my-system>)

Everything works fine (the program gets compiled and runs fine) but I keep getting output like

; compiling file "[...].lisp" (written 13 APR 2014 06:20:03 PM):
; compiling (DEFPACKAGE :<my-package> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-1> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-2> ...)
; compiling (DEFUN <my-func-3> ...)

each time the program is recompiled.

I suppose this output comes from asdf because I am invoking the application with

sbcl --noinform --noprint --script runner_sbcl.lisp

where runner_sbcl.lisp loads the actual application via asdf:load-system. So I suppose this output does not come from sbcl.

Is there any way to disable console output in asdf:load-system? I would like to be only notified about compilation errors / warnings. I could not find any information in the documentation.


  • what about

    (setf *load-verbose* nil)
    (setf *load-print* nil)
    (setf *compile-verbose* nil)
    (setf *compile-print* nil)


    Why are they set, anyway?