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ksh --> is it possible to run a command on the parent shell (main shell) from within a subshell?


if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
        echo "[*]\t Please see usage..."
        echo "[*]\t Usage: $0 <store_number>"
        exit 1

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        echo "[*]\t Please see usage..."
        echo "[*]\t Usage: $0 <store_number>"
  exit 1


cd $EPS_Directory

I am trying to write a simple script that will change my directory in my main shell. I have it working to change directory within the sub-shell (shown above), but obviously when the script is done running it kicks me back out to the outer shell and I am back in my original directory.

Is it possible to pass a command to the outer shell, from within a sub-shell? Can I pass a cd command to the outer shell?

For example if I run:

./ 2001

I would like my directory to be:


Once I return to the outer shell.


  • Thanks for all your help! This is my solution.

    #   create dj file in /users/(YOUR_NUID) directory
    #   paste the dj function into this file.   (vi dj)  (hit i to enter edit mode) (right click to paste)  (hit esc)  (type :wq)
    #   source the dj file containing dj() functon by adding this to .profile:
    #   . $HOME/dj
    #   reload .profile by typing . ./.profile
    #   then to run the function simply type dj <storenumber> to jump between EPS directory folders.
        if [ -e $(echo $EPS_Directory) ]; then
            cd $EPS_Directory
            echo "You are now in directory: $EPS_Directory"
            echo "Directory $EPS_Directory does not exist."