I'm using cordova 3.4.0 and the sqlite plugin (https://github.com/brodysoft/Cordova-SQLitePlugin) to develop an android app with a prepopulated database. I configured the plugin and the database following this post: http://www.corporatezen.com/2012/11/shipping-prepopulated-database-phonegap/
The problem is that the first time the app is launched, it copies the database from the assets folder to the database folder and on old devices with android 2.3.x it can take more than 10 seconds (I have a 90MB database). During this time the screen is black and users may think the app doesn't work and close it.
I tried to look for a faster way to copy the file, but I couldn't find anything. I tried also to set a splashscreen, using the splascreen plugin (https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/blob/dev/doc/index.md) but it appears only after the black screen phase.
Do you have any suggestion?
Solved with this plugin: https://github.com/an-rahulpandey/cordova-plugin-dbcopy
With this, the java code to copy the db is called by the plugin and it's easier to show to the users a warning message created with HTML & Javascript.