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pseudocode function to return two results for processing a tree

I'm trying to write a pseudocode for a recursive function that should process a binary tree. But the problem is that the function should return two variables. I know that functions are supposed to return on variable, and for more return values they should use list, array or vector, but I don't know how to present it as a pseudocode.

Does it look correct for a pseudocode?

function get_min(node *p)
     if (p==NULL) then        
          return list(0,0);
          (vl,wl) = get_min(p->left)
          (vr,wr) = get_min(p->right)
          if (vl > vr) then
              return list(vr + p->cost, 1)
              return list(vl + p->cost, 0)
          end if
     end if
end function


  • Since it's pseudo-code, just about anything goes.

    However, I'd rather go for omitting "list":

    return (0, 0)
    return (vr + p->cost, 1)
    return (vl + p->cost, 0)

    There doesn't seem to be any real benefit to putting "list" there - the (..., ...) format pretty clearly indicates returning two values already - there's no need to explicitly say you're returning them in a list.

    Side note: You mention list, array or vector, but pair is another option in some languages, or wrapping the two in an object (typically giving the advantage of compile-time type checking - not really applicable in pseudo-code, obviously).

    You could consider replacing "list" with "pair" instead of removing it if you wish to make it clear that the function only ever returns exactly 2 values.