In Template Toolkit, if I have the following variable containing a hashref:
artist = {
'life-span' => '1975 to 1987',
What is the best way to output the data in 'life-span'?
I have tried...
[% %]
^This fails because of the hyphen.
[% artist.'life-span' %]
^This fails because the syntax is incorrect.
[% lifespan = 'life-span' %]
[% artist.$lifespan %]
^This works, but is impractical in a large app with lots of data.
Is there a better way?
The project I'm working on is a Catalyst based web app and the data comes from a number of different external web services, so I do not control the name of the hash keys. I guess I could pre-process the data in Perl, renaming the problem hash keys before giving it to TT, but that seems like a pretty crappy work-around.
You can use the item vmethod: [% artist.item('life-span') %]