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Install Redis server in CentOS6 , how?

How to install redis server in CentOS 6 that installed DirectAdmin in it? Did test several methods but no success!

I want use Redis for Magento Cache


  • Assuming you have already installed redis, it is running and you are able to run rediscli MONITOR (which should say OK), you are probably missing the phpredis extension.

    Usually this is easy to install, but in combination with DirectAdmin it requires some additional attention:

    First, install igbinary, which will greatly improve your object serialisation experience.

    pecl install igbinary igbinary-devel should do the trick, -but- on many CentOS systems the /tmp dir is mounted with nosuid,noexec which will prevent phpize from completing during the installation, because pecl will use /tmp/pear/temp/ as the build-dir.

    I fixed this by editing /etc/fstab:

       --- /dev/mapper/vg_directadmin-lv_tmp /tmp ext4 defaults,noatime,noexec,nosuid,errors=continue 1 2
       +++ /dev/mapper/vg_directadmin-lv_tmp /tmp ext4 defaults,noatime,errors=continue 1 2

    and remounting /tmp with mount -o remount /tmp. After that pecl install igbinary igbinary-devel should work.

    Next, download and install phpredis, using the --enable-redis-igbinary option. On my DirectAdmin installation the CLI php version as a different path than the one from DirectAdmin, so we'll explicitly use the DirectAdmin version which lives in /usr/local/php5/:

    cd /tmp
    tar xzvf 0ae592b
    cd nicolasff-phpredis-0ae592b/
    ./configure --enable-redis-igbinary --with-php-config=/usr/local/php5/bin/php-config
    make install

    After that, your extension should be installed under /usr/local/php5/lib/php/extensions/ .

    Last thing that remains is to edit /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini and add your new extensions to be loaded. Add:

    Restart apache afterwards, and you should be done.